Ducked Tails: Trimming the Tail Latency of(f) Packet Processing Systems

Authors: Sebastian Gallenmueller, Florian Wiedner, Johannes Naab, Georg Carle

Published in 3rd International Workshop on High-Precision, Predictable, and Low-Latency Networking (HiPNet 2021), 2021

Latency can be caused by delayed processing of packets on the nodes of a computer network. Latency figures tend to fluctuate, eventually creating substantial spikes leading to a long-tailed latency distribution. The absolute latency value and its distribution over time impact the service quality of computer networks-an essential requirement for novel services such as networked industrial control systems or remote medical procedures. In this work, we present our measurement methodology for packet processing systems to determine the latency reliably, and more importantly, its distribution, using highly accurate and precise hardware timestamping on off-the-shelf network interface cards (NICs). Further, we introduce an optimized software stack to run low-latency applications on regular Linux servers. Our investigation focuses on realtime features of the Linux kernel. The performance of our optimized software stack is demonstrated using a real-world application, the Snort intrusion prevention system (IPS). Across various scenarios, we achieve a maximum worst-case latency as low as 25 us. This result is an almost 5-fold reduction of the measured tail latencies compared to a previous study.

Recommended citation: Sebastian Gallenmueller, Florian Wiedner, Johannes Naab, Georg Carle, "Ducked Tails: Trimming the Tail Latency of(f) Packet Processing Systems," in 3rd International Workshop on High-Precision, Predictable, and Low-Latency Networking (HiPNet 2021), Izmir, Turkey, Oct. 2021.


@inproceedings{gallemnuhipnet2021, author={Gallenmueller, Sebastian and Wiedner, Florian and Naab, Johannes and Carle, Georg}, booktitle={2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)}, title={Ducked Tails: Trimming the Tail Latency of(f) Packet Processing Systems}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={537-543}, doi={10.23919/CNSM52442.2021.9615532} }

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