
As Research Associate and PhD Candidate at the Chair of Network Architectures and Services (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle) at the Technical University of Munich my research focuses on low-latency measurements and network services through virtualized systems. Examples of our research work are latency analysis of container and their features, optimications of virtual-machines, container, and bare-metal towards latency as well as network emulation with integrating hardware support.

Research Focus

My focus in research is on low-latency measurements and their analysis. In my research, we analyze the usage of virtualized systems and their potential optimizations in using low-latency packet processing systems such as routers, forwarding, packet filters, and cloud applications with low-latency requirements. Examples of general-purpose networks, including low-latency and high throughput streams, which can profit from improved opportunities for low-latency in virtualized systems are virtualized router security systems as well as providing reliable hardware near data for modeling of larger networks by using, for example, Single-Root-IO-Virtualization for utilizing hardware network interface card features in topology emulations.

Moreover, another research focus is analyzing different features and their usability in real-world networks compared to theoretical models and simulations. Topics we study here are, for example, time-sensitive networking focusing on asynchronous traffic scheduling.


As part of my teaching effort, I advise bachelor’s and master’s theses, guiding students in finding topics, preparing practical experiments, and writing their theses. Other types of student work I typically advise are guided research and interdisciplinary projects.

In courses, I advise and teach the practical course “Ilab1 - Build Your Own Internet!” with my colleagues Lars Wuestrich and Eric Hauser based on the teaching concept from Prof. Marc-Oliver Pahl. In this course, we teach all the concepts needed to build on your big network, such as DHCP, DNS, routing, packet filtering, QUIC, and WLAN. The teaching concept is based on blended learning. More information on my efforts towards Teaching can be found on my dedicated teaching page: Teaching.

Voluntary Work

In addition to my work as a research associate and Ph.D. candidate, I have several commitments as voluntary work in different sections of society, mainly in Miesbach and Garching.

My commitments include responsibilities for several webpages such as Die Waldecker e.V., Anian Wiedner as well as Merkelstiftung. Here, I am part of the medieval group Die Waldecker e.V., the leading group of the symphonic orchestra Pegasus Symphonics e.V., and part of the Kolpings family Miesbach.

Additionally, I have several commitments within the catholic church, such as being part of the councils of Miesbach, Region Miesbach, and Erzbistum Muenchen und Freising. Moreover, I am part of the catholic youth in the region Miesbach and Erzbistum Muenchen und Freising.

Recent News

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    Publishing of Personal Website

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    December 2023 have I published this website for presenting a summary of my academic achievements and voluntary work together with personal news and projects.

    Published paper in PEVA: Performance Evaluation Journal

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    We published our article in the special Edition Selected papers from the 35th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) of the Performance Evaluation Journal with the title ‘Performance evaluation of containers for low-latency packet processing in virtualized network environments’ together with Alexander Daichendt, Max Helm, Jonas Andre, and Georg Carle.

    Presenting paper in CNSM Conference in Prag

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    We published our article at 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2024), Prague with the title ‘Applicability of Hardware-Supported Containers in Low-Latency Networking’ together with Alexander Daichendt, Jonas Andre, and Georg Carle.

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