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Presenting paper in CNSM Conference in Prag

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We published our article at 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2024), Prague with the title ‘Applicability of Hardware-Supported Containers in Low-Latency Networking’ together with Alexander Daichendt, Jonas Andre, and Georg Carle.

Published paper in PEVA: Performance Evaluation Journal

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We published our article in the special Edition Selected papers from the 35th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) of the Performance Evaluation Journal with the title ‘Performance evaluation of containers for low-latency packet processing in virtualized network environments’ together with Alexander Daichendt, Max Helm, Jonas Andre, and Georg Carle.


Presenting paper in CNSM Conference in Prag

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We published our article at 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2024), Prague with the title ‘Applicability of Hardware-Supported Containers in Low-Latency Networking’ together with Alexander Daichendt, Jonas Andre, and Georg Carle.

Published paper in PEVA: Performance Evaluation Journal

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We published our article in the special Edition Selected papers from the 35th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) of the Performance Evaluation Journal with the title ‘Performance evaluation of containers for low-latency packet processing in virtualized network environments’ together with Alexander Daichendt, Max Helm, Jonas Andre, and Georg Carle.

Publishing of Personal Website

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December 2023 have I published this website for presenting a summary of my academic achievements and voluntary work together with personal news and projects.