Innovative Internet Technologies and Mobile Communications
Seminar, Technical University of Munich, Department of Computer Engineering, 2023
Since Winter Term 2020, I am offering topics at the Innovative Internet Technologies and Mobile Communications (IITM) Seminar of the Chair of Network Architectures and Services at the Technical University of Munich. The seminar is offered twice a semester, during the semester and as a block seminar during the break. Goal of the seminar is to conduct a first scientific research on an individual topics provided by different staff members of the chair. Each topic is advised by a research associate of the chair best suited for each topic.
Examples of topics include the following list of topics and example papers to it:
- Jakob Weigand: Position-based Routing in Flying Ad Hoc Networks (Paper)
- Mia Heinz: Shortest Path Awareness in Delay-Based Routing (Paper)
- Malte von Ehren: An Implementation of the Babel Routing Protocol for ns3 (Paper)
- Atilla Alpay Nalcaci: Ultra-Low Latency on Ethernet Technology (Paper)
- Maximilian Fischer: Survey on SR-IOV performance (Paper)
- Christoph Pfefferle: Asynchonous Traffic Shaping with Linux traffic control (Paper)
Wireless Communication
- Sebastian Keller: Simulation of WiFi Mesh Networks with Mobile Nodes (Paper)